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KDDI TV Commercial in 2003 -1/2-
Now I'd like to introduce a TV commercial. It's an interesting commercial because it shows the communication style of today's Japanese Deaf people. In Japan, cell phones are very popular. These phones not only have text messaging, but also live video capabilities. So nowadays, Japanese Deaf people can communicate with Sign Language via cell phone.
The story goes like this...
One day a Hearing guy sees a pretty woman who is Deaf at the company cafeteria. His co-worker says to him "She's pretty, isn't she? But did you know she's Deaf?" The Hearing guy decides to try to learn learned Sign Language. One spring day, he hesitatingly approaches the woman in the cafeteria and awkwardly asks: "Uh...i-i-s it okay if I..uh... next to you?" using Japanese and JSL. They spend many lovely days together in the summer, communicating through cell phone using email and live video.

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